Friday, August 24, 2012

Feel Good Friday: Nothing's Gonna Change My World

Happy Friday Friends!

This week's feel good tune is one I can't believe I haven't used yet: The Beatles "Across The Universe."
Let's listen together, yes?

The light within me honors and recognizes the light within you.
Big love,
Be safe and kind to one another.
See you next week!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Feel Good Friday: To Have A Home

Happy Friday Friends!

My most humblest of apologies for posting this so late. I'm now on vacation and we all know when we're on vacation we never know what day it is! So, again, sorry for having this up so late.

This week's tune is from the fan-made-musical A Very Potter Sequel, it's written by Darren Criss and this live version is performed by Dylan Saunders, the song is called, "To Have A Home."

A home can be many things, the actual phyiscal house which you live in, your family, your friends, whatever fandom you belong to [yeah, that's right, my nerd is showing] or it could be this tiny corner of the internet.

Whatever the word home means to you, this tune is a dedication to you and that home.
[And if you feel like you don't have one, you've got one now. With me.]

Love you all.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Be safe and be kind to one another.
Big Love.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Feel Good Friday: I AM ME

Happy Friday Friends!

This week's tune was brought to my attention earlier this week from one of the girl's at the Summer Program where I'm currently working. I had one listen and the song warmed my little frostbitten heart, I just HAD to share it with all of you.

Willow Smith's "I Am Me."
Let's listen together, shall we?

Can you believe this beautiful girl is only 11?!
REMEMBER: You don't need other people's validation. You are you, and that is perfect.
Have a lovely weekend.
Catch you on the flip side.
Be kind to one another.
Big Love.