A whole 23 years late (if we're going by the publish date of the book...)

But, I suppose my life motto, "better late than never" can totally apply here. Right?
Last week I watched the movie for the very first time, and, just last night I finished reading the book before bed. I'm going to be completely honest, I can't get the character of Idgie out of my brain. She's taken up residency there, but I don't mind it one bit.
What I love about the character of Idgie is her, "do your thing and don't care if they like it," attitude. (Wait, why does that sound so familiar? Oh RIGHT, Tina Fey has that same view on life! Coincidence that I adore Tina Fey and now Idgie Threadgoode? I'd say more than likely not.)
Idgie is the kind of human I aspire to be. She is fiercely loyal to those whom she holds close to her heart. She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right and she'll throw caution to the wind to make sure those she loves are protected. But, Idgie isn't perfect. Perhaps she drinks more than Ruth would like her to and maybe her fearlessness to stand up for what she believes in gets her into trouble with others due to a mouth that will say some impolite things, and maybe, just maybe she comes off as rough and tough and doesn't seem to have a care in the world. But, we know better.
Throughout the book we catch these glimpses of Idgie where her rough and tough image just melt away. It's in those moments her true character shines like a ray from the sun. In those moments (no matter how brief) you can't help but smile to yourself and feel like you're in on the secret.
Here are some stills from the movie that bring that sort of smile to my face
Idgie: The Bee Charmer
A surprise party for Ruth. (She was surprised!)
Food fight and getting the local authorities involved.
Having a drink with the guys after Ruth's delivery of Buddy Jr.
Comforting Buddy Jr. (Aka "Stump.")

Looking on after Stump's funeral for his arm. "So long you old pal!"
I dare you to find a more caring, loving and strong willed character. Seriously.
El fin.
i cant stand that theres no kiss between them i mean come on they are so obviously gayyyy