Last night I had the pleasure of returning to the airwaves! Oh how I missed them so!
Good ole 91.7 fm has their Community Broadcast Week this week and yours truly was able to host the last hour on opening day.
For those of you who missed it, or were out of range I decided I'd post the songs I played on air last night. Now, I know its not the same because you won't get to listen to the sound of my sultry radio voice, buuut this will still be good, I promise. Hurl Scout's Honor.
The theme I chose for my show was "Artists I've Seen Perform Live." (I can't take credit for this theme, I totally borrowed it from my parents. Thanks Mom & Dad!)
Okay, so without further adieu, here's what I played start to finish!
Beginning the set is Alanis Morissette's "Princes Familiar" from her Unplugged Album.
Up next is a band I've seen a few times, and *fingers crossed* I'll get to see them again when they headline a show in Boston this May!
Now, technically I've never seen this next band live, but, I made a tiny exception for The Beatles since my Dad has been in the tribute band called
HELP! for about 20 years now. I've seen them perform live more times than I can count! Also, I think I've said this before, but, when I was little (like 5) I used to tell people my Dad *was* Paul McCartney. Here's "If I Needed Someone" by my personal favorite Beatle, George Harrison.
I saw this next artist at Lilith Fair this summer. (Aka during one of the best week's of my life!)
You may have heard of her and didn't even know as she's had a few of her songs on Grey's Anatomy. Her name is Butterfly Boucher. The song I'm going to play is called, "I Can't Make Me," and it's off of one of my favorite albums to work out to, "Flutterby."
The next 3 songs are from my favorite band, that's right, you guessed it- Tegan & Sara.
I chose one song from each of their latest 3 albums. It was really difficult because I adore every song differently. (But I only had an hour!)
First up, off of "So jealous," we have the heart-wrenching tune called, "Where Does The Good Go?"
Off of "The Con" I chose, "Back In Your Head."
And the last song in the T&S Block is off of their latest album, "Sainthood," it's called, "The Ocean."
I'm going to see this next band in Boston VERY soon and couldn't be more stoked about it. I saw them in Northampton, Mass. last spring when they opened for Kaki King. Here's
An Horse's title track to their album, "Rearrange Beds."
Here's another block, I've got 2 songs from another band that I love dearly. I've been a fan of these brothers since I was about 9 years old. And want to showcase their new music, because when people hear this band's name all they can think of is "Mmmbop." And when I tell people they still make music and tour, and that I've seen them about a dozen times they can't believe Hanson is still around. Well folks, they are, and they're as good as ever!
Here's my one of my favorite songs from their latest album, "Shout It Out," it's called, "Give A Little."
And here's my other favorite song off of that same album, it's called, "Musical Ride." Enjoy!
I fell inlove with Jason Mraz's music when I saw him open for Jewel years ago. My Dad actually met him, and I kick myself (almost) every day (some days I forget to do it) I didn't go with my Dad to purchase Jason's Album. Sigh. Since then I've seen him a handful of times. He is seriously a fantastic performer. This is my absolute favorite song from him, it's called "Bright Eyes," you can hear it on his "Live At Java Joes" album. Here it is!
Only a few more songs folks! Sad, I know. This next band I saw opened up for Hanson actually. It was an amazing evening of music, Sherwood opened for Steel Train, who opened for Hellogoodbye who opened for Hanson who headlined the show. Tickets were only 25 bucks! It felt illegal to pay so little to see such talent!
Here's Hellogoodbye's "Baby It's Fact" off of "Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!"
This next artist,
Hesta Prynn actually dedicated this next song to me when I saw her at The Middle East in Cambridge this summer. Jealous? Haha. She puts on a great show, so, if you see her coming to a place near you, check her out.
Here's "Winding Me Up," off her EP "Can We Go Wrong?"
And to close the show, I played a song from the one and only Jack Johnson! Who, I've loved and listened to for years and finally got the chance to see him this summer. He ended his concert with this tune, and I wanted to end my show with the same tune. It's called, "Do You Remember."
That's it folks!
Hope you enjoyed the set I posted, and I'll chat with you real soon.
Have a fantastical day!
Much love,