Sunday, August 15, 2010

this week or last week?

this whole "being unemployed" gig sure gives me plenty of time to think.
i think about what there is to watch on tv, whether i should venture outside to go for a jog, why is my dog staring at me like that, do i REALLY want a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast? again?
but i also think, "will i ever get a job?" and "what kind of direction is my life going in?"

the first set of questions are obviouslyyyy the easier ones to answer- though, i never really do know why my dog just sits and stares at me, and i mean *stares.*
i really wish she could talk sometimes.
the point is, the second set of questions are more difficult.
i have faith in myself that i will get a job at some point in the near (fingers crossed for VERY near) future.
but my direction in life is sort of unclear. i'm sure i'm not alone in this situation, in fact, i'm positive there are other recent college grads struggling to find an upgrade professional job.
the job market is tough out there.
i'm suspicious of folks who have steady jobs that say its getting better, (but i secretly want to believe its true- positive thoughts!)

finding a professional job is what can lead us onto a path- a direction of sorts.
since i, like many others unemployed, haven't found one yet i feel slightly direction-less.

i guess i'm just wondering if others out there have any sort of advice- what keeps YOU going day after day of the daily grind?
how do YOU maintain some sort of sanity and hope that a job will hire you?

if you're reading this and without a job- i wish you the best of luck in your search and i feel your pain. we'll get through this!
we just got to believe we are wonderfully talented hard working people, and any job that takes us will get to see it.
take care and enjoy whats left of your sunday.

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